Thursday, February 23, 2012

Burberry Marketing Idea

I recently read an article about a tweet Burberry sent out before their release of a new fashion line at the London fashion week. What they did is something a luxurious brand has never done before. They released pictures of their new line to their followers a week before the show. Companies like this usually take pride in releasing a new line by not revealing it until a show. By waiting this makes the clothing more exclusive. Releasing pictures early made followers feel like a VIP, which made the followers feel like they have an in with the company. Do you think this was a good idea? What would be the negative effects to this marketing strategy?

1 comment:

  1. I think we've been seeing this kind of marketing done a lot more lately. For example, we were given sneak previews of the commercials that aired over the Super Bowl and gave us that same VIP feel. I'm curious to see if these sneak previews significantly help sales. It seems like it could be a good idea, but I also think there could be negative effects such as companies revealing their products months and months in advance.
