Wednesday, March 7, 2012

YouTube Ads: Do you actually watch them?

Today I overheard on the news a reporter talking about YouTube ads. He was talking about how thousands of people are sending complaints to YouTube about how the ads that they show before watching the desired clip. He said that only 10% of the time people actually watch them. Even if the viewer is not allowed to skip the ad, he or she will most likely find something else to do in those 30 seconds. Are we just that impatient or are these ads on YouTube pointless? If no one watches them then why are companies spending all this money to get their ads on YouTube?


  1. I think this is a valid point that consumers are making. I feel like I watch the commercials featured on Hulu, because I'm commited to watching my favorite shows and don't mind the minute that they take. However, I don't really pay attention to them if they're only before a clip I'm watching on youtube. I don't know why, but those never stick with me. Maybe because that's more casual viewing, while my Hulu-watching is SERIOUS =)

    But let's get practical...If companies are willing to pay to have their ads on youtube, why in the world would the website get rid of them??? Whether or not it's effective is up for the companies to decide, while youtube is just raking in the dough. The presence of these ads only helps youtube; I highly doubt that people are going to stop using the site because of the 10 second ads.

  2. I think that the ads are obnoxious and as soon as I can I always click through them. Even if I can't click through I'll go to a different tab on my browser so I don't have to watch them. However, from the companies aspect, I can see how these ads can be a very practical way of advertising; everyone has to at least watch the first 5 or 10 seconds allowing a company enough time to get their message out. It may be annoying, but I think it does work in the end.

  3. I'm a youtuber like Taylor because I'm busy creating another tab while the commercial is playing on mute on the first tab. I try not to watch the commercials and usually click the skip after 5 seconds link. However, every now and then you do sit through the ad and I can't say I really remember any of them although if I was to see it I would probably remember. I also agree with Jillian in that its the companies money paying youtube, and youtube doesn't seem to be getting replaced by anything else so its a win win for Youtube.
