Thursday, February 23, 2012

Burberry Marketing Idea

I recently read an article about a tweet Burberry sent out before their release of a new fashion line at the London fashion week. What they did is something a luxurious brand has never done before. They released pictures of their new line to their followers a week before the show. Companies like this usually take pride in releasing a new line by not revealing it until a show. By waiting this makes the clothing more exclusive. Releasing pictures early made followers feel like a VIP, which made the followers feel like they have an in with the company. Do you think this was a good idea? What would be the negative effects to this marketing strategy?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

iphones are taking over

I recently read an article about iphones. It said that 37 million iphones were sold in the past three months. The article also says that if the iphone keeps going in the direction that it is, about 90% of cellular device owners with have the iphone. What does this do to other cell phone companies? In the future, will the only cell phone be iphones? Apples marketing tactic is quality and thats it. They have the best working/looking products and thats all they need to be the best in the world. They got me! I purchased an iphone today and I can not see myself with another phone for the rest of my life.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bad Marketing Campaign (New Coke)

I recently came across a youtube video from the 80's about the new Coke formula that Coca-Cola tried out after a century of success. Why did Coke ever try to change its formula after so much success? This may be the worst marketing campaign of all time. People all over the world loved coke just the way it was. They did not get any complaints and business was a good as it could get. I always thought everyone went by the old saying "If its not broke, don't fix it", but I guess not. Coke eventually noticed the drop in sales and quickly went back to the old formula that we know and love today. Does anyone else know of any bad marketing campaigns as bad as Coke's?

Here is the video...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Super Bowl 2012 Commercial's

We all know most of America watches the Super Bowl. Last year 1 in every 3 Americans watched the game. One of the most hyped parts of the Super Bowl are the commercials. For the 2012 Super Bowl it costs $3.5 Million, for a 30 second commercial slot. Yes, It makes sense to do everything you can to get a commercial in during the Super Bowl since most of America is watching but, do some company's take a hit from dropping that kind of money for a commercial? Is it really worth it? Why not save the money and put a commercial in on youtube or something?